BACKSTORY: The Road Ahead

By: MJ + PJ


In reality, we could live in Loveland, CO for a long, long time. We have had a great life here, and the change and growth we have seen and experienced has been more priceless than a MasterCard commercial.

In planning the places we wished to visit, we pulled out an outdated National Geographic world map, taped it to the wall, and started pinning places. It kept peeling off so we added more tape and pins. Once we ran out of pins we bought a new box of pins. Then we realized we’d need more than a year, and that we may need a different approach. With that context, we let the map hang and made a list of must see places for each of us. This morphed into: let’s see these areas, play our cards right, and try to stay on the road for as long as possible.

The most significant expense was going to be changing or crossing continents. Three plane tickets can take a big bite out of the budget. Given that we had a car and camping gear it made sense to put those things together and hit the current continent first and use resources we were familiar with. This led to the following general
plan, which ends having crossed the North American continent:

  • Drive west out of Colorado
  • See some national parks on the way to California
  • Maybe drive through Las Vegas
  • Stay with family and friends in SoCal for a few days
  • Catch up with friends we have not seen for a decade in SoCal
  • Drive north to stay with more friends
  • See some western national parks on the way to Canada
  • Visit family and look around SW Canada
  • Drive east and then zig zag the USA/CAN border to the east
  • See and visit the family and friends in the Mid West and East Coast
  • Decide where to go next for cheapest

Beyond that, you’ll have to have to keep up with the posts, our MAP, or peruse the 365 DATA page on this site.

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